Monday, January 31, 2011


   If I could choose one word to describe my life right now it would be exhausted! I pretty much get the kids up and going and get ready to go to work. I work, go to the gym and work out, come home, make dinner and clean up. Then I get the boys baths and spend some time with them before bed. Then I do it all over the next day.
   The weekends consist of trying to get some of my endless to do list done and get some things done around the house. Thankfully I take Friday nights to just relax with the family. The problem is I have to much to do but no where to cut back! Not sure what to do with that, however, I'm thankful for a snow day tomorrow! Some play time with my boys and paperwork for my job to catch up on.
   Oh, and the good news, I took the night off to go shopping, have dinner with a friend, and watch the Bachelor. I do try and listen when it's time to take some time off, it's just hard to balance me time and the pile that will be waiting for me after some solo time! Oh well, the pile will wait! It's kind of selfish like that and doesn't take care of itself but waits for me to take care of it. I wish I could just delegate it to take care of itself!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Preparing for the Storm

   We are suppose to have a snow storm here Monday night into Tuesday. Therefore, everyone is going grocery shopping today and tomorrow. I usually try to go every two weeks for groceries just to cut back on my trips to the store. However, the last two times I've gone to the store I've managed to go while the store is over crowded from the people preparing for the storm. At least my groceries are stocked and I have a meal list for the next two weeks. I think I'm going to switch to weekly shopping soon to work with our new schedule around here better.
   Today at church my pastor mentioned,"that no matter where God takes you he'll bring you through." That is a comforting quote I'm holding onto during this season of my life.
   Also, on a side note, I just watched Fireproof for the first time with my hubby. Such a great movie about fighting for your marriage! Now I want to do the Love Dare!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Exercising Self Therapy

   Exercising is one of my forms of self therapy. Yes, I have more than one. I actually multitask at the gym by working out and facebooking on my iPhone. It's one hour a day (except Friday and Sunday) that is purely my time. No house work and no paperwork or errand running for the family. I think it's kind of funny the combination of being on facebook and working out but it works for me. At least I cut back on my amount of time on facebook when I'm at home.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Movie Night at My House :)

   Oh, how I love Fridays! I love how I have two days off until I have to go back to work on Monday and I love getting to spend some time with my family. Friday nights I purposely do easier dinners and just relax. usually at the house. Today we had such beautiful weather that I got McDonald's with the boys and went to the park! They rode their scooters they got for Christmas! I'm not sure they worked off all of their McDonald's but at least we got some exercising in! And to top it all off we stopped by Red Box and rented Nanny McPhee Returns and had some popcorn while watching that. Now they are getting tucked into bed by Daddy and I'm thinking it's the perfect time for some ice cream :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Reading Night

   I love to read! So far I've instilled in my boys a love for reading too! Nathan is now in speech and reading classes at his school. They had a special reading event tonight that I took the boys to. It was pretty neat. They had a story teller, she told a Dr. Sues story about the "things" that have stars and do not have stars. Then they had a guy playing songs and singing on his guitar. They also had food from Charlie Chicken that was very yummy and they had a few different games that were all reading related. The kids even got a free book for coming. I was afraid it would be over crowded because sometimes when the school does these events they get a crowd of people and you can barely move. However, to my surprise there was a nice turn out but also enough room for us to have plenty of space to look around and move from one thing to the next.
   I enjoy doing these special evenings with my sons because they won't be young forever! However tonight they both tested my patience. Nathan didn't want to sit still while listening to the story and then he whined when he didn't get chosen as a helper. He also had a hard time accepting when his name wasn't called for a prize or when he didn't win bingo. Then Jacob was upset that he didn't get a pencil and book like Nathan did! Me oh my I was about to pull my hair out at the end of the evening! Not exactly how I wanted the evening to go but hey we did get the love of reading instilled more!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesdays and Leftovers

   It's been a crazy week even though it's only been three days. Tonight I decided to make it a priority to head to church with the  boys. We had a simple dinner of leftovers and headed out the door. I think I'm going to try and make this a part of our regular routine. No better place to get refreshed and rejuvenated for the rest of the week. I'd been thinking to myself how I'm not everyones' Savior, for that matter not even one person's Savior. This evening I was reminded that it isn't about me and I have a helpmate with the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. So thankful it's not about me and I'm far from alone! Now I can finish out the rest of my week strong!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Is It Only Wednesday? I Need Friday!

Crazy, crazy, crazy! I've only been at work two days but it seems like it's been a week! I'm thinking the two day week last week has thrown my kids into hyper energy and crazy behavior! I need sleep! I'm going to rest tonight and get some great sleep before I start my day tomorrow! Nothing excited to say today.

Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm Proud to Say I've Stayed True to Me In This Journey Of Motherhood :)

   So I started doing my Mom devotions again this morning. I got hung up because I had to answer some reflection questions at the end of the first chapter and it took me a little bit to just sit there and do it. Okay, I really could have just skipped it since I'm not getting graded on it or anything but if I'm going to do it I'm doing it all the way! And the silly part is once I sat down and did it, it took me max thirty minutes to do! And it's always good to have my feedback written down, it lets me know what is really going on in my head, scary I know! Plus if I ever look back I'll see a better picture of the journey! I say if I ever look back because sometimes I do but mostly my journals, devotional or personal, get stuck away in my dresser door or eventually up in the attic which I try at all costs to avoid. However, when I write something down it gets to me more than just thinking about it in my head. I have way to many thoughts go through my head in one day! I've realized that as I've begun this journey of blogging. It also seems like I have a lot of journeys going on at the same time! Kind of like being a Mom and/or military wife! Go figure.
   Anyways getting back to the point of my blog today I'm proud to say I haven't lost my identity as me in this journey of motherhood. The first chapter I just finished in my devotional book is about our identity and where we find it from. And although part of my identity comes from being a mom, a wife, a military wife, a soon to be (fingers crossed) some day therapist, I'm also simply ME! I'm a Christian who has a relationship with Jesus and am secure it that ultimately. What I find most comforting in this journey of my life so far is that I've taken my Mom's words of wisdom "take some time for yourself" to heart and put it into practice in my own life. Even last year when I was crazy busy with grad school and work if I simply went to the school's computer lab and got away from my hectic house I stayed true to me. So my words of wisdom today is to stay true to yourself! Also never forget where God has called you, it may be a roller coaster getting there but I've learned a lot through the process of getting there. After all the value is in the journey!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Doing To Much?!

   This is a question I find myself asking myself frequently. "Am I trying to do to much?" This weekend which was technically a four day weekend due to having snow days on Thursday and Friday I've found out a little part of the reason I ask myself this question. No matter how long I have to get things done there is always more to do! This is in part because I'm a Mom to two young boys, work full time, and LOVE to try to do a little bit of everything. I feel like I've cut back on a lot of the extras to just focus on my family during this season. At the same time I try to take some time for me so I don't loose me in all this hecticness of my life.
   I'm loving working out because it's a great stress reliever. I get to sweat it out before I take it home to my family! Most days I love my jobs but there are some days it's tough depending on what is going on! I've come to realize that I don't control what happens to me (at my job especially, but in other areas of my life as well) BUT (and this is a big but, ie that is why it is in caps) I do control how I respond and react to it! I've decided I may not be able to do everything but what I do decide to tackle I'm going to do excellent (or at least try)!
   I've also decided to enjoy the small moments and smile much! For example: I had no control over my husband getting home at seven tonight but I did enjoy making lasagna and watching my boys eat it! It really is the simple things!
   Another part of my life that I LOVE but haven't done a good job of including in my blog is my relationship with Jesus. I'm a lot of things but if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be the person I am today! My faith keeps me going through the thick and thin! I started a goal in 2009 to read the Bible in one year. I've read the Bible a lot just not from front to back. Well long story short it turned into a two year reading plan but I finished it! Now I have lots of devos but am currently working through a Mom's devotions. I'll try and share tidbits here and there. I want to integrate my faith life into my blogging life because I know it's an essential part of me. That's it for now. Hope everyone has a good night. "Talk" to you tomorrow.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Making Memories

We are busy making memories here to hold onto throughout the deployment, (at least I am)! I'm not sure how much my hubby really cares about the memory department! He is more realistic let's live in the present. And the boys I think they just enjoy life period! This evening my hubby took time to show all of us on his computer the general location that he will be for this deployment. It was comforting to hear Nathan, my oldest son, who is 5, say "Daddy that's where you will go but then you'll be back right." He remembers from the last deployment. I'm interested to see how Jacob, my four year old adjusts this time around. The boys made a snowman with the dwindling snow that was leftover from the snow on Wednesday night. Daddy came home just in time to show their creation. I sent him out to get a picture with the boys! These moments are for me very special. I know in there own way they are special to my hubby and the boys too! Don't take for granted the moments you have with your love ones, I know I'm trying to cherish it all right now!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Another Snow Day!

   I really wasn't expecting another snow day when I wished for one at the end of my blog yesterday but I got one! I'm not complaining. I took the boys sledding again today. We had such a fun time and no crying this time on the trek there and back! Then we just had a relaxing day at home. I made chicken, mashed potatoes, and broccoli for dinner. Next time I will remember to make the chicken earlier and carve it before trying to serve it all at the same time. The boys and I watched Flicka this evening, cute movie.
   I'm loving my new washer and dryer. I got all my clothes washed and dried yesterday. Today I folded them and I guess they will get put away tomorrow. I even got more paperwork done today for my job. I'm looking forward to another productive day tomorrow. So glad everyone is feeling better and now well rested too!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Day!

   Today I stayed home with my boys today! We all had a snow day! I made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast since normally they just get cereal and I get a breakfast drink on my way to work. Then I made a beef stew in the crockpot and got the house cleaned up. By then the boys couldn't wait a minute longer to get out in the snow so we bundled up in our snow clothes and headed to the neighborhood school to go sledding. The hill is small but it was big enough for us. Unfortunately, my younger son is not a fan of the cold and cried at least half the way on our walk there and back! That was not fun to say the least! He did however, like the sledding that he did do! My oldest son loved it!
   After sledding we came home and had some hot chocolate and cookies to warm up. The boys played some and then we watched a movie and just relaxed. I was pretty proud of myself for hooking up the wii so the boys and I played Mario Kart for a little bit. I love lazy days! Although I did do paperwork for my job overall I enjoyed just being with the boys. It was great to not have to do any more preparation for dinner and just enjoy the beef stew for dinner. Now if I could just have one more snow day?! I will say I finally am feeling back up to my regular energy level after being sick for awhile!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Trying but Overwhelmed

So I've been working out for about two weeks now. However, I haven't added the weights into my workout yet. This evening I got an orientation to the weights. I must say there are like thirty machines and it's very overwhelming. However, I am going to start so that's a beginning right?! Yeah, I'll go with that :) We'll see how this goes.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Feeling Better but Still Fighting Colds

So after a three day weekend which I spent on my recliner for the most part battling the flu/cold I'm feeling better. I actually had a very productive day at work and the gym. Now I'm just battling the rest of this cold. I'm hoping it doesn't stay around much longer. My youngest son had a fever last night and woke up about a dozen time in an hour and a half. Daddy was sound of sleep so Mommy was his battle buddy. He's not very nice when he's not feeling well, cranky and arms and legs flying some. Eventually I got him settled down and gave him some more medicine and water. He got to spend the day with Daddy which he thought was the best thing in the world. Mommy's the norm so Daddy's exciting!

Monday, January 17, 2011

He Sleeps, I Cry On My Side of the Bed

So last night I found myself unable to sleep for at least an hour after I laid down to go to bed. I was suddenly hit that time is flying by until this deployment if full fledged. When it hits you like that it's overwhelming to say the least. I don't want my hubby to go but obviously I know there is nothing I can do about that. The military has more say about his career than I do! Honestly sometimes a good cry does me well. I don't wake him, he's got other things on his mind but I know we'll face this one day at a time together no matter how far apart we are.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

It Never Fails

So today my hubby was suppose to leave for a two week training. This morning I got up and he had the extension cords plugged in so my TV was working. He was already gone at drill so I texted him and asked him what was up with the extension cord. He told me a breaker blew. It really never does fail when he leaves something goes amidst. Thankfully for this time he came home and found the outlet that was the problem and fixed it. Don't ask me for specifics because that is as much as I understand about it. If he was really gone I would have called somebody from the yellow pages to come fix it and it would have cost me a lot more than having my handy husband fix it.
In other news, he isn't going to the two week training because he cancelled it. He has to much to do for his local army job here. Although his encouraging words to me this afternoon was "consider me already deployed" forebodes that he will be working long hours from here until he is gone. This is the true life of a military family. Thankfully I'm finally starting to fill better and on the mend from this flu/cold. I'm grateful I have one more day of break to get some things done around the house before heading back to the work week.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

If All Else Fails Take a Bubble Bath

The last 24 hours have been full of benedryl, ifubrofen, and sleeping for me. This morning I took a nice bubble bath. I figured I wasn't going to do a ton today anyways since I'm still recuperating from not feeling very well. Also my youngest son woke up today with the same dry cough I had yesterday so I've been medicating him as well. Today is one of those days where we were just lazy watching tv, the boys playing their leapster games, and Mommy hanging out on facebook. Sometimes it takes moments like these to really sweep me off my feet. I guess it's good to remember that I am human and it is okay to just chill and not attack the to do list every Saturday. It will surely wait for me!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Sick and Tired

I was so excited this morning about my three day weekend with the boys to just relax and hang out and get some things done. In the middle of my day I got this incessant cough that wouldn't go away, no biggie, I thought it was just a cold or something. Now I'm not sure what is going on with me but am not happy I kind of feel like a truck ran over me. On the way out to my car I felt sore all over from head to toe. It hasn't gotten better but I have taken benedryl so hopefully that will help some. I know there is strep going around at my school but do not want that! I've never had strep and actually rarely get sick, thankfully!
Of course this would happen on my hubby's drill weekend so I have the task of taking care of the boys solo. He leaves right after this weekend to go to a two week training for his job so this "thing" whatever it is better not stick around for to long. All I know is I don't have time to be sick, really who does!?
My plans for the evening is to relax and do as little as possible. I'm about to get the boys sandwiches for dinner and then get them in pjs and watch a movie. I will say, I'm thankful that they are 5 and 4 and pretty capable of taking care of themselves mildly well! If I had smaller ones I'd be calling in reinforcements :) Hope everyone has a great weekend. Especially enjoy the three day weekend if you have one!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

You May Call Me Naive But This Is The Way I Get By

   So last night my hubby had a coworker over for dinner. It was a pleasant enough time. However, towards the end of dinner the men were talking about my hubby's job and were discussing how he has a safer job this time for deployment than last time. I wasn't paying to much attention, just doing my thing of cleaning up and taking care of the boys, but noticed when my hubby mentioned that I don't really know what his job duties include. I know mostly what he does here in the states (or I should say at least what I need too).
   I guess that is kind of how I am when he is deployed overseas as well. My hubby mentioned to his colleague that the last time he was deployed he told me it was a safe deployment and not to dangerous. I did know that he was not telling me the truth but in this case I prefer to not know the truth. Sometimes being a little naive is okay with me when it comes to his job. It makes me feel better knowing that he doesn't really "get" my job either, so really it goes both ways, just for different reasons. I say if it gets you by then let it be!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Now that I am almost two weeks late on this I've decided to write out my resolutions.

1) Blog Daily
I've already mentioned this is an outlet for me and gets me away from my other life tasks. I hope that this blog also starts conversation with others.

2) Work Out 3-5 Times a Week
I hate the way American society is so hung up on the way they look but for this season of my life I've decided I want to be healthier. I also love the feeling of sweat, knowing that I'm getting healthier is actually a good feeling. Plus it's a great stress reliever.

3) Simplify My Life
I haven't decided exactly what this means. I just know I decide to do everything and get stressed out so I am trying to cut back on my activities and follow some kind of schedule yet with flexibility in it. So for now my objectives to this resolution is
a) make freezer meals at least 1-2 times monthly
b) make crock pot meals 1-2 times weekly
This will at least make dinners easier at home easier after working and exercising..

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'll Fight the Butter Again Instead of Have a Morning Like the One I Had Today

   The other day I made pork and sauerkraut and made mashed potatoes to go with it. Talk about yum! However, in the process of making the mashed potatoes I just threw some butter into mix up with the potatoes and milk. Unfortunately, I didn't count on the butter fighting back and coming flying back out at myself! Now that was an experience! Next time I'll make sure the butter melts more before I turn the mixer on.
   However, I would take the butter over the morning I had today! This morning started with a wake up call at 5:30! I am not a happy camper when I get woken up earlier than I was planning on getting up! If I want I can sleep in until seven thirty, however, my oh so wonderful husband decided to get up early to go work out. Now as a Mom I am much more sensitive to noise and light then he is (especially with his loss of hearing every time he goes overseas). He left my alarm clock sitting up which is blaring out light at me, left the hall light on and the kitchen light. Needless to say this morning I was not in my best mood considering I couldn't fall back asleep after my rude awakening! Then to get ahead start on dinner plans I made chili in the crock pot and was busy preparing that as I was getting the boys ready to go to school. My only requirement of them was to get their hats, gloves, and jackets ready to go so we could get out the door when I was ready to go. However, instead of doing what I asked, neither one of them had their stuff ready to go, and my oldest son had not a clue where his hat and gloves were! Needless to say it was not a fun morning!
   On top of all that we have a lovely cat that is four years and normally does not bother me. However, to not deviate from the norm, and in keeping with my crazy morning, incessantly kept meowing to go out, but would not go out when I opened the door. Then when my oldest son opened the door for her she went out. Then however, she promptly came back inside and peed on my clothes! At this point I was just about done! So if my morning is half as bad, or good for that matter tomorrow morning. I will be one happy Mommy!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Celebrating Birthdays

   I enjoy taking the day off for my birthday to just relax and do whatever I want to do for the day. Today I had the pleasure of celebrating a friend's birthday with her. Her family does not live in the area so I told her we should go out and celebrate. It was actually a simple evening  but relaxing and enjoyable for both of us. We went to two local restaurants and got food to go and then came back to my house to watch The Bachelor and have some good girl chat. I'm actually quite enjoying these girl evenings on Mondays and looking forward to continuing them for at least a time. We work in the same field so it's great to talk with each other about work and know that the other person really gets it too!
   It's actually quite ironic because this friend and I have known each other since our freshman year in college. If you would have asked me back then if we would still be in contact and hanging out I would have definitely thought no but time changes things and our perspective (mine specifically in this case) and I'm glad that we are still friends. I've lost touch with some people I thought I would stay in contact with but am still in touch with others that at the time I didn't think we would continue our friendship. Ironic isn't it?!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Laundry and more laundry, and still haven't put the Christmas stuff away!

Today has been a productive day. We went to church this morning and I was reminded to be the salt and light of the earth. Always a good reminder for the beginning of another year. My only two resolutions for this year are to blog daily and to work out three or four times a week. Other than that I'm concentrating on just surviving this year. I know I should be thinking more positive about thriving but for the moment surviving seems to fit better.
Yesterday my hubby and I took the boys shopping to look at appliances. Lowe's is having a 20% off sale on some of their appliances and my hubby decided to get a new washer and dryer before he deploys again. We bought our other ones about four years ago at a second hand store when we first bought our home. We are also getting a new refrigerator so hopefully we should be set for a long time to come. Other than those exciting adventures this weekend I've been busy doing loads of laundry after load and still working on more! I also went through the boys room and reorganized and decluttered in their room. It was badly needed.
   However, with all of my productivity with the house this weekend I still have the Christmas tree and decorations up. That I have decided is going to wait until tomorrow or later this week unless my hubby wants to tackle that when he gets home in a little bit. I actually enjoyed having the tree up this week since we've been so busy with visiting with family and traveling but now it's definitely time to come down and move forward hopefully at a little slower pase, now that the Holidays are done.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Working Out

   I use to work out in college due to having aerobic points to work for every week. I graduated with my undergrad in May '06. I had my first son in May '05 and my second son in November '06. I haven't really done any working out since I graduated from my undergrad except for my stay at home stint with the boys for almost a year and a half when my husband was deployed the last time around. However, those work outs consisted of taking walks at a walking trails and walking around the local park so they weren't very intense. Even in college I worked out due to obligation not want. And my "work outs" with the boys consisted out of necessity of getting out of the house and keeping my sanity in tack. As far back as I can remember I've never really been the work out type. I played sports all through middle school and high school but always ended up on the JV team at a small Christian school so that's got to say something.
   Anyways, all that to say that I have finally signed up for a gym membership at the local YMCA. My hubby's always been on my back (guy form of nagging) about eating healthier and exercising more. For me I wait until it's something I want to do before tackling another thing to do. I'm at the point where I'm approaching thirty and realizing that it's important for me to work out and stay in somewhat of shape. I'm not aiming for perfection, by far. I just want to try and be a little healthier. Plus, if I work out maybe I can justify eating junk food every now and then :) (In actuality a little junk food each day!) I'm only on day two of having a gym membership and have gone each day for at least thirty minutes. My hubby says anything is better than nothing so I'm trying to start somewhere and move forward. It's nice to get away from home life and work and just relieve some tension as I sweat through my work out. We'll see how long this continues but I hope to make it more of my daily routine.

Friday, January 7, 2011


   Today I'm just thankful it is Friday! I woke up not feeling that well but suprisingly had a really good day at work and am ready to tackle my housework this weekend and paperwork for my job. I'm going to try and relax some tonight besides going to the gym for my first workout in a long time. Fridays are my relax and do nothing night with my hubby and the boys. I figure there is always Saturday to tackle my never ending to do list. Sunday is church in the morning and trying to prepare for the packed week.This Friday I'm especially thankful for since the last two weeks have been full of Holiday get togethers and visiting family out of country and state.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Letting Go of Traditions

   I'm a bit of traditional person, I like my traditions that link my family to my childhood. This week my oldest son earned his book it to get his very own personal pan pizza from pizza hut. This is the third time this school year that he has gotten this. My husband decided that he doesn't like the pizza hut service or the pizza there so he wanted to go to Mazzios instead.
   Now back to my traditons....growing up we didn't go out to eat a lot. However, once I was in middle school I remember getting pizza every Sunday for lunch after church. I know it's a little thing but I even remember getting my personal pan pizza from pizza hut when I was in school and being so proud of my own accomplishment.
   My husband did compromise in allowing my son to pick out his own personal pan pizza from Mazzios and "use" his coupon there. And for the sake of peace in our house I'll let my piazza hut fetish alone and go along with my hubby. Afterall, it is just pizza. But once he's gone on this deployment I get to make the rules again :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Car Wash Phobia

   So there are all kinds of phobias, mine is the car wash, I know crazy, but it is true. When I was relatively new to the whole driving scene I took my car to get washed and tried to DRIVE trough the car wash instead of in neutral. I know not my most brilliant moment.
   After I got married I let my husband take over the cars. I never had to take the car through the car wash and that was perfectly fine with me. However, as we prepared for his last deployment I realized the car wash would be my task once more. Now if it was up to me I would go to the car wash maybe once every three months. My husband on the other hands likes CLEAN cars so he tries to go once a week and at least every two weeks. Last deployment was three years ago and I had a grand jeep grand cherokee that had a sun roof. Well another brilliant car wash move I did was OPEN my sun roof during a car wash and got a lovely shower myself! That was an experience! And no I did not intentionally try this, I had realized as I started in to the car wash that my sun roof was open a little so meant to shut it. However I accidentally opened it instead of closing it.
   Needless to say when my hubby returned from his last deployment I was more than happy to hand the car wash task back to him! So for a little over two years he has happily taken care of the cars. Now as we get close to the third deployment it's my turn once more to take over this mundane and scary task!
   I must proudly say I went through the car wash this afternoon and did not have one mishap! There is hope for the smallest task that brings fear to us! It's a good thing I'm not to hard on myself :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Morning Is Not My Friend

   This morning I took my oldest son to school in my pjs! Yes, you read that correctly. I was busy getting my house somewhat organized and running around to get his lunch packed and just didn't get dressed so I threw my sweatshirt on and rushed the boys out the door to take him to school so he wouldn't be late. (At least I got him to school on time!)
   His elementary school is only about half a mile from our house and I have a flexible enough job that I could come home and finish getting ready before heading out for the rest of my day, thankfully. It didn't help this morning that my husband decided he needs to get up at five am which he does reguraly to go work out. He used my alarm clock and decided that I should get up to do laundry and housework. Ha, I laid in bed to seven thirty before starting my day. I had stayed up to midnight the evening before playing around on facebook. I guess I need to get my priorities straightened out but sometimes you just need a break :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Squeezing in Girl Time

   I work full time at an elementary school as a behavioral therapist. Today was my first day after break. It actually went pretty well besides the fact that my house still hasn't recovered from the laundry that needs done after our trip and putting away of toys after Christmas.
   One of my girlfriends called me after work and wanted to know if I would watch the Bachelor with her tonight. I used to watch this show somewhat regularly but not after my hubby got back from his last deployment, he has complete control of the remote most of the time! Anyways I decided to invite her over to my place to relax and have some girl time. We even went out to dinner before hand. And no, my house is still not back in order but the one thing I learned about being a Mom and full time worker is take time for yourself. I can't wait until everything is clean and put in order and the boys are having a good day. I take what I can get in this life of mine!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

See you again instead of goodbyes

Let me just say today is my 2nd day of blogging and I'm so tired from driving 20 hours in the last two days I really do not feel like writing. I know not a good start :) But the one thing I want to be is real and not fake so I'm just putting it out there.
So todays topic is my motto of saying see you again instead of goodbye. I'm not fond of crying in front of anybody so this helps some (but doesn't eliminate the crying altogether)! The month of December has been busy for our family with work, holiday get togethers, and visiting family. I loved the fact that my husband's family got to visit with us for a week. This is only the second time I've hung out with his family who lives in Canada. Then we turned around and made the trip back to the East coast where I'm from to visit my family which had been a little over two years since we'd been there. We had some great times, took tons of pictures, and have some great memories. But there is always the matter of saying goodbye which I have to be honest and admit I cried some when saying goodbye to my family. I never thought I would stay in the midwest when venturing out to college but my home really has become where the heart is (some of it remains in my home state, and the rest of it is in the state my hubby and I have chosen to make our home).
   I loved the modern convenience of technology of facebook and skype to connect with my famly and friends that live far away from me. However, it is hard to be away from my family at times so if I use my self talk of I'll see them again it makes it easier to cope with than the more definate goodbye. I think my motto also comes from having to say goodbye countless times to my husband, sometimes over half a dozen times before a deployment actually starts just to do training and other military related things that take him away from home.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

About Me

   My name is Jessica Ngotngamwong and I've been married six years to my husband who is in the Army National Guard. He has a full time job working for them and we are preparing for his third deployment as a couple. The first time he was deployed overseas we were dating and I was a busy sophmore at college. The second time he was deployed we were married with a two year old and nine month old and I moved back to my home state to be with family. This time will be my first time living by myself with my children while he is overseas.
   The purpose of this blog is simply to share my story and perspective as a military wife. Throughout our military involvement I have read many books and been involved in some support groups. The one thing I have learned about military families are that no two are alike. I love my husband and family but there are also days it is hard to be a military wife. I'm writing this blog for selfish reasons mainly, as an outlet from my life, but also to have some chronilogical record of this time in our families life. If along the way others enjoy reading about our life I'm happy to share with them.
   The plan is to write each day about the big and mundane things that happen in our life and to also share my joys and frustrations of this life that our family has chosen. I do plan to check comments and respond as possible.