Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday it is

   Today was not a bad day. First, it started off playing with babies in the nursery at church. Then I picked up some things for my boys for Valentines tomorrow. After that it pretty much consisted of baking and helping the boys get their Valentines ready for school for tomorrow. It's funny how being a Mom kind of takes over my weekend and most evenings for that matter too (but I really wouldn't have it any other way). However, that is why I think it's so important for couples to get away for some much needed time together.
   On to point five for Habits of Highly Effective Christians. Okay now that I'm looking at my notes again I realize that there are two number fours. I think the last number four that I shared of writing it down was suppose to be a bullet point to Dream big dreams. However, I'll just continue with the points and I guess we'll have eight :) Number five is Believe for the impossible. I think the thing that sticks out the most to me in this point is that if I'm believing for the impossible than I know it's not just me making my plans and agenda work together but God has a say and he's the one that ultimately puts the pieces of the puzzle together of this journey of my life. Believing for the impossible forces me to utterly rely on God to bring about his desire for my life because without him I can't do it because I'm merely human, always a good reminder to have.

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