I'm so tired of these daily battles with my four year old! He really is a sweet kid but I've been wanting to pull my hair out a lot lately while dealing with his shenanigans. Every evening he complains because he's starving but then doesn't want to eat very much at dinner. Breakfast seems to be a battle too, half the times he decides he doesn't want to eat because he doesn't want what I have to offer (cereal or yogurt most days).
Tonight he asked me for string cheese about an hour after dinner. I told him no. He actually had eaten a decent dinner and got an ice cream sandwich for dessert. Then when he's getting in his pj's I walk in the room and find him hiding string cheese behind his back.
Needless to say early to bed for him and not a happy Momma or 4 year old. I guess I can comfort myself that I'm dealing with this and trying to be consistent with the consequences and rewards so he'll be on a good start as he grows older. It's easier to deal with when they are younger than older but still.......! And my oldest one has been doing great this year at kindergarten after a little bit of a rough start in pre k and kindergarten. Momma's just tired and wants a bit of a break. I really just want to ship him to Daddy for a little bit and see how things go?! However, that's not an option so I'm just going to curl up with a good book and enjoy some me time. Goodnight all.
I have food battles with Luke, my almost 4 year old as well! He hates eating most meals and it becomes very draining. You're not alone Jess! Keep your chin up! :o)