Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Friends, Storm, and a Good Movie

   First off, I must say it was nice to be back to work today and do my job. Today is one of those days I remember why I love doing what I do. There is a lot of hard stuff that I'm confronted with through my job but overall I do enjoy what I do (and some days I have to remind myself of that). However, it felt great to get back to the routine a little bit today.
   However, I missed my Zumba class tonight. We had storms and tornado's in the area so my class was cancelled and I stayed in my warm cozy house with my boys. I also had a friend come over who lives in an apartment to just hang out together and make sure she was okay too. Perfect reason to cuddle up with blankets, have some good girl convo, and watch a chick flick (and don't forget the hot chocolate, Oreo's, and popcorn!). I do love these moments in my life journey.
   Sometimes, it takes me taking a step back, relaxing a bit (I'm on the go constantly and always trying to do to much), and just enjoying the moments (and yes that means it's okay to put away my camera and phone and sit and watch a movie with no distractions after the boys are safely in bed. I love how my boys are confident about being safe even though Daddy's not here. It's perfect how well our Daddy God takes care or our household. So glad to have wonderful family and friends to share life with.

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