Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday Nathan!!

   Yesterday was Nathan's, my son's sixth birthday. I'm into taking pictures (if you know me, you know this about me). So we went to the park and got some pictures of him and his brother. Then when I got home I was looking through pictures of Nathan since he was born. It's amazing how much he has grown so here are a few of my favorites of my little man (that keeps getting bigger). I love getting to watch him grow :)

                                                                   My laughing baby.

                                                              His first Christmas in Pa.

                                                          Smiling boy on vacation in Texas.

                                                                      Toddler time!

                                                         He's always loved to do puzzles.

                                                                     Fun in the sand.

                                                                      3 years old

                                                                   Contemplating life

                                                            Vacation with Grandma Cindy.

                                                                    Picking flowers.

                                                                       Fun at the cabins.

I love you Nathan! Happy 6th Birthday! You bring so much sunshine into our family!                    

1 comment:

  1. I remember when he was that little! How is it that he is so old...oh my! Happy Birthday to Nathan!
