Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Bad Habits

   Everyone has bad habits. The other day when I was watering my flowers I was thinking about mine. Here are the ones I can think of off the top of my mind.

1) I'm a horrible procrastinator.
    I really do wait until the last minute to do things and then am running around trying to get things done.Then I promise myself that I will not wait until the last minute again and I still do.

2) I get lost easily because I'm not good with directions.
    My Dad can drive anywhere once and not go there for a year and remember how to get there again. I, on the other hand can barely remember how to get to the places I regularly go.

3) I have good intentions but I have a hard time following through.
I still have a birthday card for my sister, mothers day card for my Mom, and birthday card for my husband that I never gave them.

4) I'm very opinionated.
I have strong opinions and when you get me started sometimes I have a hard time knowing when to stop sharing them.

5) My "to do lists" grow and grow. Every time I cross one thing off, I add three more.
It doesn't matter how many lists I make they never seem to get completed. I always have things to add to them.

6) I take to many pictures.
I'm not sure I really buy into this one but I know my hubby and boys think so, although in my opinion (which I already shared that I'm very opinionated) I think one day they will be thankful for the pictures.

7) I always think things won't take as long as they end up actually taking.
Cleaning, cooking, running errands. I think it'll take an hour or two and it inevitably ends up taking double the amount of time.

These are just a few of my bad habits. Which the first step in recovery is admitting that I have a problem. However, in this instance I'm not sure how this will actually work because for all my good intentions I'm not sure I have the follow through to turn them around. Besides these things tend to make me the person I am.

1 comment:

  1. I think you just described all of my bad habits too! Except I'm always afraid to express my opinions, though I do have them.
