Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sometimes I Simply Cannot Do It All.

   I've learned through this deployment, that I simply cannot do it all. Now I've learn this lessons several times before, but it takes me awhile to really get it. I've got this control thing about me that I want things to go a certain way and when they do not I start getting frustrated. Being a Mom and a therapist I've learned that I can't base my day off of my kids (my own and my clients) behavior. I can only control how I respond, not what they do. Being a Mom that is constantly on the go, especially right now with football thrown into the routine, I've learned that I simply have to let go (or go crazy), and seeing that I'm basically a single Mom right now, number two is not an option. So if I don't get to workout as much as I want I'll survive, if I have to go through the drive through or eat on the go, it will be okay, and when my day and life does not go as planned (because let's face it, when does it really?!), I need to take a deep breath, and jump back in with two feet. I know I'm not perfect and I've got a great support system but overall it's me and my boys and we are just taking it one day at a time. Don't worry, I have a plan, I always do, it just rarely actually goes according to it. My life seems to go by the theme: structure with flexibility. Sometimes I wish life lessons were easier but then I guess they wouldn't stick with me as much.

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