Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Anxiety, I'm not completly innocent in this either.

   I'm not an overly anxious person or depressed person for that matter. However, these last several weeks have been difficult. My hubby is officially overseas and no matter how much I thought it would be the same, since he's been gone several months for training, the actual transition of knowing I can't just pick up the phone and talk to him has been difficult. I had my day of laying in bed and being depressed but then I got myself up and got busy with the kids and life again. After all, life doesn't stop, even if my love is across the ocean.
   On top of that, I have an upcoming trip to Canada at the end of this month to go visit family. I need the passports for the kiddos and I. We got some about a year and a half ago when we went to visit Canada so I knew we had them and I thought it would take a bit of digging but surely I would have them with all our important paperwork. However......when push came to shove (I tore up my whole house), which I guess gave me an excuse to declutter and organize, I still had no passports. So for the last week I've been trying to get paperwork together to get our passports processed again. After crying several times on Friday, while trying to deal with this process, (and taking some much needed time off this weekend) I pulled myself back together and got on a mission to complete the passport process this morning. While, I had to make several trips, pay extra to expedite the process, I accomplished the mission. And I had three very nice ladies help in the process :) In which the lady at the bank, who notarized my statement, thanked me for my service since my hubby is overseas. I'm grateful for the thanks, I feel like a lot of times the family isn't acknowledged in the whole process. All I could do was nod to acknowledge that I heard her or I would have broke down crying, which I did not want to do at the bank!
And if all that wasn't enough I'm not exactly sure why but my online banking account has decided to lock myself and my hubby out twice in the last week. So I simply called and got it taken care of the first time. However, the second time when I attempted to call and get our account unlocked the customer service lady wouldn't help me since my husband set up the account, even though both of our names our on the account. I'm still dealing with this but will get to the bottom of this as well.
These things are just a few of why I've been dealing with anxiety lately. Now hoping things calm down.

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