Today was a good day. It was refreshing to just hang out with the boys and relax. We went to church this morning where I played with some of the babies. After church, we headed to McDonald's to use the first of their library coupons. They are very proud of their coupons they earned. Then we headed to the pool but ended up getting there an hour before it opened up so we took a detour and went to the splash pad for a little bit and then went back to the pool. They wrestled and jumped on each other almost the whole time at the pool. They should sleep good tonight.
During one of the more quite parts of our time at the pool they both informed me that they want to be teachers when they grow up. Nathan has been on this kick for quite a while about being a teacher when he gets older. I asked Jacob what he wanted to be and I think he was just going along with big brother. Anyways, I thought it was cute. They both are talking about going to college already, that is kind of scary, but good to hear them thinking that way. Nathan was asking me about how old he has to be to drive a car too. Suddenly I'm seeing life flash before my eyes, and I'm thinking slow down. I'm sure glad I take the opportunity to do things with my boys as they are growing up because one day they will be out of the house but for now I'm enjoying each season and stage. In the process of our conversation Nathan asked me, "Mommy how many times have you been married?" I couldn't help myself I laughed out loud. I said once, and once is enough for Mommy. Jacob proceeded to tell us both that I wasn't married because he didn't remember me getting married. I guess if it happened before him it doesn't count, that could be scary! These moments make me smile! There really never is a dull moment when it comes to having kids.
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