Friday, July 15, 2011

Take it or Leave it

   Tonight I got to get take out for dinner and the boys had sandwiches (without cheese). No, I did not go out and leave them with a babysitter that just happened to forget to put cheese on their sandwiches (which I think would be hard to do anyways). This was their consequences for their behavior at the store when I was running errands. I'm not sure where I would rate myself on the patient factor, probably a 5 if it were a scale of 1-10.
   I ran a lot of errands today, most of them before I picked the kids up. However, I had a few things to do after I got them. I decided to finish them, pick up dinner, and then watch a movie with the kids at home. My boys are four and six, this should be an easy enough task to accomplish. We even got root beer floats at the daycare before we left to do errands. The first stop was my job to get a little bit of paperwork done. This may sound boring, however, since I work with kids, we have a TV where they can play Mario Kart, if they earn a reward so I let the boys play that while I did some paperwork. That went pretty smooth. Next stop was Lowe's for some miracle growth for my flowers. My six year old attempted to climb in the cart to sit. He's to big for this and I made it very clear that he was not going to be able to sit in it. He proceeded to have a fit, arms crossed, crying and pouting that he can't get in the cart. I had also brought the boys iPhones (which have games on them) to play while I was getting my errands done. So I simply took this and told him if he didn't get his behavior back in line that he was not going to earn dinner or a movie. He barely restrained himself and got his behavior back in check.
   Next was Target for some curtain rods (I know our life is so exciting!). Anyways, my six year old decided to try and look at his brothers phone since he had lost his at the prior store. Jacob, my four year old proceeded to rub it in Nathan's face that he had his phone and big brother didn't (ha, ha I get to play and you don't). While my older son walked around the kart trying to get a better view. Then they proceeded to go back and forth about who started what and who did what. I proceeded to stop in the middle of the aisle and tell them that there will be no dinner out and that we will go home to eat. This of course didn't go to well with them. They continued to talk about underwear (which we were buying for them) and laughing and giggling between themselves. So I opted to take their movie away and have already threatened them that if they don't earn it tomorrow afternoon that I will take it back unwatched. I'm not paying an extra dollar for their bad behavior!
   When we got to the car I had a talk with them about their behavior which succeeded with quite from both of them. They knew Mommy was not happy! However, on my way home I was thinking "why should I have to pay for their behavior?" I happened to have had a very productive day, getting a lot accomplished (most of which were for them). So I stopped and got take out for myself! I'm hoping this lesson gets through to them. There now I feel better! And I still get to watch my movie tonight :)

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