Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Little Boys Want to Be Like Their Daddy

   So my youngest son is all into the army thing right now. He is five and is in prekindergarten. I gave him a choice of two shirts to wear today and he wanted the army shirt (which wasn't even an option to start with). I let him wear it, no big deal. Then on the way home he says "I'm going to be an army man". Him and his brother have talked about what they want to be when they grow up quite a bit in the last several months. My oldest thinks he wants to be a teacher and has been pretty consistent in that. However, my younger son has changed his mind several times. First, he wanted to be a police officer, then an army man, and then a counselor. Now he's decided he wants to be an army man and be a counselor the rest of the time when he's not being an army man.
   I've not made it a big secret that I do not want my sons to be in the military. I feel like they and our family have given enough and that they don't need to be involved in the military world personally as they get older. I fully support my husband in his decision to be in the military but there is just something about thinking about my babies growing up and joining the army, or any branch of the military that does not sit well with me. Now I hope that I will be big enough to support my sons in whatever they decide to do career wise and more importantly with their life as they continue to grow. After all it's my job to help shape them, but then I have to let go of control, and let them go. Thankfully for me, the army thing, even if it happens is a long ways off so I'll cross my fingers that my son changes his mind once more.

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