Monday, February 6, 2012

R & R

   I haven't been updating my blog in the last two week because my husband has been home on his R&R. We have a few more days together as a family and then he heads back for a couple more months before this deployment is officially accomplished. I took a break from blogging for several reasons. One of the main reason being I wanted to enjoy this time privately with my family. This is the first leave we've gotten in the three oversea deployments that we've experienced as a couple. The first deployment we were dating/engaged.
   This leave kept getting pushed back and cancelled and it was at the point that we had just chalked up that we weren't going to get leave. However, we have finally gotten it and I'm grateful that we have had this time as a family even though it's going to be hard to send him back in a few days. Mainly we've done a little bit of everything. Adam has been ransacking the house, clearing through stuff, and decluttering. One of his first days home he had the carpet cleaning people out cleaning our carpets. While it's been nice to clean and sort through the boys toys at times it's been a bit much for me. He's taken over the house and our routine which has taken adjustment, as sure as it will take adjustment to him being gone again, and then almost as soon as we get adjusted he'll be back for good since he got his leave so late in the deployment.
   Some of my favorite moments of this deployment were 1) our family vacation that we took for a few days to just get away from everything, 2) getting our family pictures done, 3) and getting to go to dinner and a concert with our friends. It's also been great to spend time together just chilling as a family. It's even been nice having him tackling the things around the house that I've just let go because he normally takes care of it and I didn't have the time or motivation to deal with (like the clutter in the garage).
   Mainly I'm just thankful to have him here. I think it worked out for him to get his leave at the perfect time for our family. It'll be interesting to transition once more for all of us again but our life is one of transitions so we are pretty use to them as a family.

1 comment:

  1. So so so glad he finally got his leave! And only a few more months until he is back again :)
