Thursday, March 31, 2011

Not Much To Say Today

   I'm glad to have this weekend yet to spend with my boys before getting back into a regular routine again next week. It is of course inevitable that we will get back to the norm but it was nice to take a break and enjoy this time as a family. It's amazing how much we got done but yet so little. It's an endless cycle trying to keep up with housework and meals and other activities and also just enjoy our time together. Then there are days when exhaustion kicks in and it's a do as little as possible day. Thankfully today was a productive day and also a good day just hanging out with the family.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Decluttering and Resting

   Today, I went through my email and decluttered all the emails that I hadn't gotten to reply too or was just hanging on to because I wanted to try and new recipe. I also got to talk with my sister and Mom, love staying in contact with my family. It's been a restful day just trying to get my house back in order and try not to be overwhelmed with all the stuff that needs to be done. Overall, we are pretty well set. I'm just glad we've gotten this time together as a family.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


   I hung out with another army wife friend today. Always good to have that support and friendship. I'm blessed with those that are in my life. I realized I'm to hard on myself and most of the times my friends keep me level. So glad for the true friends God has brought into my life at different seasons of my life.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Date Day

   Today was a practical and also fun day. First, a trip to the dump so that our backyard got cleaned up, yay! Then later in the afternoon a tasty lunch at Cheesecake Factory, of course my favorite being the cheesecake! We also ran into a friend we use to work with, it really is a small world. Once again, I'm just thankful for this time with my hubby and family. It's the memories I'll hold on to for the next year.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm Not a Crier!

   I knew tonight was going to be sad when I saw the previews for Army Wives. So sad, showing the funeral of a specialist killed in action. And then Coming Home had a remembrance for a pilot killed in action. Nobody can watch those without crying (unless you are my hubby, who continued to make light of the situation and make fun of me for crying!). I'm not sure why I put myself through the torture of watching these things but I would know eventually what happened in Army Wives and have to deal with it anyways since I'm an avid watcher. And I know it's just a TV show but it's also way to close to real life.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


   I enjoyed today just hanging out with Adam and the boys. We slept in and then went to the aquarium. Then had lunch with Adam's Mom.I even made a nice meal of ham, mashed potatoes, and corn (with browned butter). I can't put into words how nice it is to have my whole family together again. Trying to savor this time together.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hanging Out

   Sometimes it really is the simple things that are fun to do when you haven't been together for awhile. I'm enjoying going out to eat with my hubby, having him around to play t-ball with the boys for a little bit, and simply cuddle and watch some TV together. And I love how restful and peaceful it is with him here.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

T-Ball Season

   This evening was Jacob's first t-ball practice. Nathan's is tomorrow evening. Lots of fun. I'm trying to be as involved as possible with another boy on the sidelines. We shall see how all of this goes. Jacob was excited because he knows one of his teammates from daycare. So that works out nicely.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Change of Perspective

   I'm so moody these days. I need a change of heart and attitude. I will have a better attitude and expect the best to come yet. It would help if I got more sleep too. Hubby is coming home for a little bit so I'm very excited about that!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


   I'm trying some new things. I've been working out regularly at the the gym. Tonight I tried Zumba and had fun. I might just had to add this to my workout regime. We shall see.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Back to the Routine

   Spring Break was pleasant ( would have been fabulous without the sickness ). Now it's time to get back to work and routine. Today, I got the day off for just a little bit more to take Jacob to the Doctors. Which means tomorrow is a clean slate to get back into the swing of things. Looking forward to getting back to our routine.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

TV Shows

   Now that I have control of the remote control again I'm exploring evening shows after the boys go to bed. I've been a fan of Army Wives for a long time, although sometimes it strikes a bit to close to home. Now there is this new show on after Army Wives called Coming Home. I haven't decided yet what I think of this. It simplifies military lifestyle to the reunion only, there are a lot of days in between there, that the media doesn't cover. For now I'm watching it and deciding if I'm going to continue tuning in for it or not.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Just Chilling

   Lazy day. I did four loads of laundry (although I didn't get them folded yet). Other than that we watched TV, played the Wii, and watched some movies. Looking forward to catching up on my sleep tonight.

Home Sweet Home

   Yesterday I skipped blogging, I know crime of the century. We were planning on stopping  for the night but couldn't find a hotel for an accommodation that suited us so we just kept plugging through and have arrived home. Today I'm just going to take it easy and re-energize so we shall see how things go. I will try and update tonight since I missed yesterday.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


   Today was a fabulous day hanging out with treasured family and friends! Now headed back out on the road in the morning. And the ER called me back to say that indeed I had a type of strep and put me on antibiotics so I feel justified in the time I spent dealing with insurance, doctors, and medication. And I hope never to have to deal with any of that ever again!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Girls Night Out and Shopping

   Tonight my mother-in-law watched the boys for me while my sister, Mom, and I went out shopping and had a late night dinner. Fun times! And finally I'm starting to feel better again :) Oh happy day! Now time to rest up for another fun filled day tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired, Let Go and Let God

   Interesting combination. However, I've been sick since Saturday afternoon and am still trying to overcome some intense sore throat with medication around the clock and I've started to loose my voice yesterday and today. So that was it, I had enough and headed to the ER today. However, not before a long run around with my insurance company and my family physician.
   I've been thinking lately that I need to let go and let God. He's always has things in better control than I ever would anyways. Why is this a constant battle I fight? The lesson in this is to give it over to God and sometimes it's okay to sit back and relax. If nothing else will make me sit back and relax this whole sickness is sure giving it a go.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Being a Tourist and Visiting Family

   Trying to do it all. Yes, I  know not always a good idea but I'm trying to get in a little bit of everything this time while I'm at home. I have play dates for the boys, girls night out for me, tourist things with the boys and my mother-in-law, and time for visiting family and friends too.
   Today I realized that children's ibuprofen is gross! I almost spit it back up but it's helping me feel better so be it for now. Went swimming with the boys tonight and they had a blast. Just taking things in stride but enjoying the break and hanging out with those that are special to me.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

In Pa and Sick

   Finally, I'm here in  Pa again. Not feeling so well but medicated so starting to feel better. Got to visit with most of my family tonight. Looking forward to relaxing, doing some tourist things in my hometown, and visiting some more with my family and friends.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

More Driving

   We started in Arkansas today and have almost made it through Tennessee. Driving went well and we even made it through one and a half books on CD. (Something my husband does not allow me to do while driving with him, so perk for driving with my mother-in-law. I started the day with a cough/sore throat that progressed. I took some NyQuil and hope that I will be ready to go in the morning to finish our trip out well. Glad to get some rest for the night. Nathan has done great playing games on his iPhone and on his Leapster the whole way. Jacob has struggled some with whining but overall hasn't been to bad. Praying for a smooth rest of the trip and ready to see my family tomorrow or Monday.

Friday, March 11, 2011

On the Road Again

   Well this has been an eventful day of cleaning. laundry, and packing. Now we are on the road for our spring break vacation. Looking forward to meeting my new niece and hanging out with my family and friends. The boys are occupied with their Leapsters and games on the iPhone. My mother-in-law and I will take turns driving. I am so glad to get a break and also thankful I have my house ready to go for when we get back and hit the ground running again. I hope anyone else that has Spring Break enjoys it with their families.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


   I went to a parent meeting for the boys t-ball league today. I'm excited but it will make our life hectic for the next two months. Other than that, just trying to get my house in reasonable order and everything ready to go for our trip tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


   I'm thankful for my army wife friends. I know that I can talk to them whenever. It's hard to find Christian army wives that I click with but after several deployments I've made some battle buddies that hold me accountable. God's brought some amazing friends into my life but for this season of my life I'm especially thankful for my battle buddies!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dinner with My Boys

   So the boys and I had pizza hut tonight. Nathan earned his book it for last month and since Daddy isn't here we went to pizza hut to get his personal pizza. What an adventure! I enjoy eating out as a family of four instead of just me and the boys but I guess with time I'll get use to it. I had a conference with Nathan's teacher and he is doing really well so that was exciting. Also, I got the boys their first professional haircuts tonight! Now I'm ready to relax at home.

Monday, March 7, 2011

That Bites!

   I literally had a biting kind of day! Somewhat funny, but actually literally. One of my kiddos I work with tried to bite me, but thankfully missed :) I've been bit once before but it's really one of my least favorite things of my job. Other than the whole biting attempt my day was pretty good and I can't complain. Just trying to get everything in order this week so the boys and I can enjoy Spring Break :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another Week

   I'm excited for this next week. So much to do and I have a lot to accomplish but we'll get it done. And then I get to go to Pa and visit my family this coming week. My house needed some major work today after having off for the conference. It felt good to get so much done with the laundry and house work and then I even took a break and took the boys to the park for a little bit. So fun!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Personal Devotions

   So much good information today. The thing I took away from today is that it's about my personal relationship with the Lord and making an effort in my personal devotions and relationship with the Lord. So true and I think sometimes I make it to complicated.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Last deployment my theme was grace. This deployment I've decided is hope! Just got back from night one of Extraordinary Women 2011, loved it! Enjoyed a fantastic concert by Casting Crown. Also, enjoyed hearing Angela Thomas speak about being weary and finding our provision in Christ. Such a powerful night. Loving the theme verse for the weekend Isaiah 40:31 "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint!"

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Excited for the Weekend

   I have a great babysitter lined up for the weekend to spend time with the boys. My mother-in-law and I are going to the Extraordinary Women Conference to be refreshed in God's word. So excited to spend time with her, be immersed in the Word, and get some time away from home. I love my boys and I'm sure they will have fun with the activities they are going to do with the babysitter. I'm thankful for great friends and great babysitters. Awesome answers to my prayers!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Food for Thought

For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
Isaiah 41:13
This verse stuck out from me from my devotional from a MOPs book that I'm reading currently. It's quite comforting to realize that God is there to help me no matter my circumstances. Also, Pastor Mike, talked about how Satan has no power over believers, except what we allow him to have. We are Sons and Daughters of Jesus and have his power to rebuke Satan. Such comforting thoughts. Maybe all this will allow me to sleep better at night. I sure hope so!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Therapy :)

   I must admit I gave myself some of the best therapy today. I took the day off work, got my hair done, and did some shopping (it was for the boys, but still fun!) You have to know yourself and I already was taking some time off to get my hair done so I figure why not throw in lunch with another military wife (who also does my hair) and some shopping. Not a bad day at all! Plus, I need some me time. So that's my thought for today. I'm hoping to go back to work tomorrow. Jacob's got a slight fever so we'll see how he fairs through the evening. Got to love being a "single Mom".