Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Homecoming and Grieve

   This really isn't my post to write but I feel it needs to be said and I'm not one to keep my mouth shut when I think something needs to be said so here it goes... I'm just as excited as all the other wives and family members that our service members are coming home, especially my hubby! It's been quite the year. However, there is a whole different reality that this deployment has brought with it that the other two I've experienced haven't and that's the loss of life that our guys and us family members have experienced. I've been seeing all these homecoming pictures online. Yes, they make me smile, cry, or just think happy thoughts, depending on the day and mood. It also makes me anxious and excited for my own homecoming with my hubby soon. The boys and I are definitely counting down the days.
   However, the other side of the story is that at these homecomings there are 14 pictures of the men and woman that we lost overseas this deployment. Yes, they deserve this honor, and so do the families that have to find a way to go on with their lives. It just makes me sad for them because I can't even imagine the process that they are facing and I know words will never be adequate but my thoughts and prayers go out to the widows and family members that are only beginning this journey.

1 comment:

  1. girl... i think the same thing all the time. i feel bad to even post anything on our frg page about homecoming and being excited for it, because not everyone has someone coming home. i really cannot even bring myself to complain about the little things in deployment, for the simple fact that at least he's coming home. i am very very blessed. thanks for sharing. i pray that God gives strength to those who have paid the sacrifice and wisdom for the rest of us on how to support them..
