This is a question I find myself asking myself frequently. "Am I trying to do to much?" This weekend which was technically a four day weekend due to having snow days on Thursday and Friday I've found out a little part of the reason I ask myself this question. No matter how long I have to get things done there is always more to do! This is in part because I'm a Mom to two young boys, work full time, and LOVE to try to do a little bit of everything. I feel like I've cut back on a lot of the extras to just focus on my family during this season. At the same time I try to take some time for me so I don't loose me in all this hecticness of my life.
I'm loving working out because it's a great stress reliever. I get to sweat it out before I take it home to my family! Most days I love my jobs but there are some days it's tough depending on what is going on! I've come to realize that I don't control what happens to me (at my job especially, but in other areas of my life as well) BUT (and this is a big but, ie that is why it is in caps) I do control how I respond and react to it! I've decided I may not be able to do everything but what I do decide to tackle I'm going to do excellent (or at least try)!
I've also decided to enjoy the small moments and smile much! For example: I had no control over my husband getting home at seven tonight but I did enjoy making lasagna and watching my boys eat it! It really is the simple things!
Another part of my life that I LOVE but haven't done a good job of including in my blog is my relationship with Jesus. I'm a lot of things but if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be the person I am today! My faith keeps me going through the thick and thin! I started a goal in 2009 to read the Bible in one year. I've read the Bible a lot just not from front to back. Well long story short it turned into a two year reading plan but I finished it! Now I have lots of devos but am currently working through a Mom's devotions. I'll try and share tidbits here and there. I want to integrate my faith life into my blogging life because I know it's an essential part of me. That's it for now. Hope everyone has a good night. "Talk" to you tomorrow.
Great entry! Great question...