The other day I made pork and sauerkraut and made mashed potatoes to go with it. Talk about yum! However, in the process of making the mashed potatoes I just threw some butter into mix up with the potatoes and milk. Unfortunately, I didn't count on the butter fighting back and coming flying back out at myself! Now that was an experience! Next time I'll make sure the butter melts more before I turn the mixer on.
However, I would take the butter over the morning I had today! This morning started with a wake up call at 5:30! I am not a happy camper when I get woken up earlier than I was planning on getting up! If I want I can sleep in until seven thirty, however, my oh so wonderful husband decided to get up early to go work out. Now as a Mom I am much more sensitive to noise and light then he is (especially with his loss of hearing every time he goes overseas). He left my alarm clock sitting up which is blaring out light at me, left the hall light on and the kitchen light. Needless to say this morning I was not in my best mood considering I couldn't fall back asleep after my rude awakening! Then to get ahead start on dinner plans I made chili in the crock pot and was busy preparing that as I was getting the boys ready to go to school. My only requirement of them was to get their hats, gloves, and jackets ready to go so we could get out the door when I was ready to go. However, instead of doing what I asked, neither one of them had their stuff ready to go, and my oldest son had not a clue where his hat and gloves were! Needless to say it was not a fun morning!
On top of all that we have a lovely cat that is four years and normally does not bother me. However, to not deviate from the norm, and in keeping with my crazy morning, incessantly kept meowing to go out, but would not go out when I opened the door. Then when my oldest son opened the door for her she went out. Then however, she promptly came back inside and peed on my clothes! At this point I was just about done! So if my morning is half as bad, or good for that matter tomorrow morning. I will be one happy Mommy!
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