I was so excited this morning about my three day weekend with the boys to just relax and hang out and get some things done. In the middle of my day I got this incessant cough that wouldn't go away, no biggie, I thought it was just a cold or something. Now I'm not sure what is going on with me but am not happy I kind of feel like a truck ran over me. On the way out to my car I felt sore all over from head to toe. It hasn't gotten better but I have taken benedryl so hopefully that will help some. I know there is strep going around at my school but do not want that! I've never had strep and actually rarely get sick, thankfully!
Of course this would happen on my hubby's drill weekend so I have the task of taking care of the boys solo. He leaves right after this weekend to go to a two week training for his job so this "thing" whatever it is better not stick around for to long. All I know is I don't have time to be sick, really who does!?
My plans for the evening is to relax and do as little as possible. I'm about to get the boys sandwiches for dinner and then get them in pjs and watch a movie. I will say, I'm thankful that they are 5 and 4 and pretty capable of taking care of themselves mildly well! If I had smaller ones I'd be calling in reinforcements :) Hope everyone has a great weekend. Especially enjoy the three day weekend if you have one!
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